Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a mental health condition characterized by excessive hyperactivity, impulsive conduct, and attention. It affects the areas of the brain that assist in planning, focusing on, and carrying out tasks. ADHD can affect both adults and children.
ADHD symptoms differ depending on subtype (inattentive, hyperactive, or mixed) and are frequently more difficult to diagnose in females and adults.
People with ADHD may also struggle to focus on a task or sit quietly for extended periods. It can substantially impact their schooling, career, and relationships.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is an older term for what is now recognized as ADHD. Some people continue to use the terms ADD and ADHD interchangeably and may label a child with ADD if they only have difficulty focusing and are not hyperactive.
ADHD Symptoms
Some of the most common ADHD symptoms are as follows:
Having difficulty concentrating or focusing on activities
Forgetfulness about completing duties
Become easily distracted
Having trouble sitting still
Interrupting others when they are speaking
Poor time management
Weak impulse control
Exaggerated emotions
ADHD symptoms and signs can differ based on the disorder's components, such as hyperactivity, impulsivity, or difficulty focusing.
What Are the 3 Types of ADHD?
Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive
People with this kind of ADHD are mostly hyperactive and impulsive, though they may also exhibit symptoms of inattentiveness.
Hyperactivity might seem like frequent movement, wriggling, fidgeting, and talking at inappropriate moments. This might manifest as excessive restlessness and an activity level that other people find exhausting in adults.
A desire for immediate fulfillment also characterizes impulsivity. In social circumstances, an impulsive individual may repeatedly interrupt others and get irritated, frustrated, or angry.
Predominantly inattentive
People with this category of ADHD are characterized by difficulty focusing, being easily distracted from work or tasks, and difficulty paying attention to detail. They are easily distracted and prone to forgetfulness. They could be daydreamers who regularly lose track of tasks, meetings, critical deadlines, and social activities. This type of ADHD was once referred to as ADD and is still used in some cases.
Combined hyperactive-impulsive and inattentive
This is the most typical form of ADHD. Someone with combined-type ADHD exhibits a combination of all the symptoms listed above. Most children have the mixed form, but hyperactivity is the most common sign of ADHD in young children.
Hyperactive children may talk excessively, wriggle and fidget, and have difficulty sitting still. In childhood, impulsivity can manifest as disruption, impatience, and trouble waiting for their turn. Daydreaming, forgetfulness in daily activities, difficulty following directions, and difficulty focusing are all symptoms of inattention.
Individuals with this kind of ADHD exhibit both inattentive and hyperactive symptoms. These characteristics include an inability to pay attention, impulsiveness, and above-average activity and energy levels.
Patients with this combined type of ADHD will be diagnosed if they match the standards for Primarily Inattentive ADHD and Primarily Hyperactive-Impulsive ADHD, which means they must exhibit 6 of the 9 symptoms described for each sub-type.
The treatment strategy will be determined by the type of ADHD you or your child has. Because the type of ADHD one has can change over time, so thus the therapy.
Treatment for ADHD
Behavioral therapy, medication, or combination are commonly used to treat ADHD. Another option is to take ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) vitamins and supplements, practice mindfulness, and spend much time outside in nature.
Psychotherapy and talk therapy are two types of therapy. You or your child can discuss how ADHD impacts your life and how to manage it with an ADHD specialist. Behavioral therapy is another sort of therapy. This therapy can teach you or your child how to monitor and manage their behavior.
Medication can also be quite beneficial if you have ADHD. ADHD drugs are intended to alter brain chemicals so that you can better control your impulses and actions. Finding and managing the best ADHD medicines requires study, planning, organization, and perseverance. Thus, discussing your choices with your child's doctor as soon as possible is necessary.
What Are the Causes of ADHD?
The reasons for ADHD are yet unknown. According to research, genetics and inheritance play a significant role in predicting who gets ADHD.
Although not all persons with ADHD exhibit the same circuits or alterations in circuits, certain brain differences are more common in those with ADHD than those without.
Final Thought
ADHD is commonly diagnosed in childhood, but symptoms can remain undiagnosed during adolescence and age. ADHD is not caused by poor parenting, excessive video game play, or excessive sugar consumption. ADHD is a biological brain condition. With the proper treatment, children and adults with ADHD can live successful and productive lives.
If you, your child, or someone you know has ADHD and may experience some or all of the above symptoms, we are here to help you.
We are Mosaic Mental Health, PLLC. A Texas-based boutique psychiatric practice that also serves Colorado, Washington State, and Iowa. Our primary focus is your well-being. We treat mental illnesses such as depression, ADHD, anxiety, and others with tailored care. We accept appointments in person or online. Same-day appointments are also available.